Graduation Requirements

Regardless of what major you choose, you must complete a set of University-wide Graduation Requirements before receiving your Bachelor's degree.

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Need Help?

Academic Advising Center Advisors

Our advisors can help you understand these requirements and how to select appropriate courses to complete them. They can also answer questions about fulfilling U of U requirements with transfer work.

Major Advisors

Once you are admitted to a major, your major advisor can help you understand the specific requirements for both the major and the university.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find out where my transfer work fits in to the general requirements?

After you are admitted the Admissions Office will evaluate your transcripts and determine which courses at your previous school count toward General Education at the University of Utah. Degree Audit will illustrate which requirements are being cleared with particular transfer courses.

Where do I go for help if I think that a transfer course should count toward general education?

If you see transfer courses on your Degree Audit that you think should clear General Education requirements, submit a petition for a Graduation Requirement Appeal.

If a course is listed in two different IE areas can it count for both?

No, it can count in either area, but not both.

Degree Audit will use the course where it is needed. For instance, if a course can count for either Fine Arts or Humanities and you have already taken two Humanities IE courses, the course will automatically be counted as a Fine Arts.

When do I have to have my General Education done?

Students who complete their Writing (WR2) and Quantitative Reasoning (QA) requirements in their first 30 credits at the university tend to perform better in their subsequent courses and graduate sooner.

What's the difference between a B.A. and a B.S. degree?

A Bachelor of Science (B.S.) demonstrates proficiency in math and requires two Quantitative Intensive (QI) courses.

A Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) demonstrates proficiency in a second language and requires fourth semester proficiency in a second language.

Some majors allow you to choose to do either a B.A. or a B.S., while others do not offer you a choice.

Where can I find the U of U courses that count towards general education?

You can find the lists of General Education courses in each semester Class Schedule.

How do I petition a course to fulfill a General Education or Bachelor’s Degree Requirement?

Under certain circumstances, and with proper documentation, students can petition to have a course they have taken count towards one of their General Education and Bachelor’s Degree requirements. Submit a petition.