Records and Warrants FAQs

You will need a valid Government-issued picture identification card (for example, Driver License, Military ID card, or Passport) to clear a warrant.

Can I clear a warrant issued by another county or state?

Warrants Unit will contact the agency to see if the agency is willing to have their warrant cleared in our county. If the agency says no, then the subject will have to go to the agency of origination and clear the warrant. We do not clear any out of state warrants.

Can I change my court date?

Once your court date is set through the Warrants Unit we cannot move the date. You will have to contact the Sacramento Superior Court to see if your court date can be changed.

Who can obtain a copy of a report?

In most cases, the victim or the victim’s representative with a signed release note has the right to obtain a copy of the report.

How do I obtain a copy of a report?

In person, at 4510 Orange Grove Avenue, Sacramento (bring your valid government-issued ID to receive a copy) Public hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Monday - Friday (excluding holidays). By email to (You must attach a copy of a valid government-issued ID).

Do you have a copy of my accident (vehicle collision) report?

The Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office does not take collision reports. Please contact either Rancho Cordova Police Department or the California Highway Patrol.

How long do I have to wait to receive my report?

Records will respond within 10 days of receipt of your request.

What are the hours of operation for the Records and Warrants Bureau?

The Records and Warrants Bureau offices are open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, except holidays.

How do I obtain a Visa Clearance Letter or Criminal History Review?

You must come to 4510 Orange Grove Avenue, in person, to request these services. The fee is $25.00 for each copy. Add $10.00 each if you need them notarized. The fee must be paid by cashier’s check or money order made out to the County of Sacramento. If you are out of the area, you can email your request to us at and we will send you an out of area packet.

What do you charge for copies of reports or public generated calls for service printouts?

The first copy of a report is free, additional copies are $15.00 each. For copies of calls for service, the first 10 are free. After 10, there is a $1.00 charge for each additional call for service.

How do I find out if I have a warrant?

In person at 4510 Orange Grove Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95841, or by calling the Warrants Unit at (916) 874-5383.