HTW: How to Apply?

Go to to submit your application online. We will need proof of:

Please note: This online application works on desktop computers, but not on mobile phones or tablets. If you are using one of these devices, other application options are listed below.

Mail or Fax Your Application

You can download the form, fill it out by hand, and mail it or fax it to us at:

Healthy Texas Women
P.O. Box 149021
Austin, TX 78714-9021
Fax (toll-free) 1-866-993-9971

After we receive your form, we’ll send you a letter if we need additional information. You must provide the additional information by the deadline on the letter. Examples of proof are listed below.

Apply In Person

You also can apply at a clinic that offers Healthy Texas Women services. Fill out the form at the clinic and you might receive services the same day. You can find a participating clinic by using the Find a Doctor tool to the right.

Pick up an application form at a Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program office. Call 1-800-942-3678 (toll-free) to find a WIC office.

By Phone

You can apply for Healthy Texas Women over the phone by calling 2-1-1. We can take your call from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Central Time, Monday to Friday.

Examples of Proof We Need

Proof showing how much money you receive:

Proof showing how much you pay:

Court papers, divorce decree or separation agreement that shows how much you pay for alimony. Proof showing your citizenship and identity:

Proof of Citizenship

Proof of Identity

U.S. birth certificate

Current driver's license with photo

U.S. citizen ID card

DPS ID card with photo (for example: Texas ID card)

Hospital record of birth

Work or school ID card with photo

Northern Mariana ID card

American Indian card with classification code KIC

Religious record of birth with date and place of birth, such as baptism record

Affidavit from 2 adults establishing the date and place of birth in the United States

An example of an item that shows proof of immigration status is an alien registration card or document from the Bureau for Citizenship and Immigration Services (formerly INS).

You have to prove citizenship, immigration and identity only one time. You don’t need to send these items again if you reapply.

Healthy Texas Women Plus

No additional application is needed for Healthy Texas Women Plus. Women who indicate they have been pregnant in the past year when applying for Healthy Texas Women coverage will be considered for Healthy Texas Women Plus benefits.