Orange county pistol permit amendment

Orange County NY Shooters
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This page only gives general information. For more specific information, New York Handgun Laws and how a NY handgun License is issued in Orange County N.Y. please click on HANDGUN LICENSE in the above menu.

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To get a license for a handgun in New York State you must meet local County, NY State and Federal regulations. These requirements can be meet by the average lawabiding citizen who does not have any legal problems or other bars to owning a gun, is willing to wait, is willing to fill in the paperwork and is willing to spend a small amount of money to get a license. The requirements, in some cases, do nothing to prevent crime or improve safety but they are based on laws that originated in the early 1900's that were passed to "reduce crime". After 100 years it would appear that many of the laws do not work but that is what everyone wanting to own a handgun in NY State must deal with. As a responsible and safe gun owner it is up to you to stay informed and join with others to support local, state and national groups and clubs that are working for your benefit.

You will have to deal with rules and regulation on three levels, your local county, NY State and Federal. Most of the rules on the local level are based on, or are a requirement in State or Federal law but some counties do have additional special requirements that should be easy to comply with. Please use this guide as a general reference. It impossible to cover every minor rule or circumstance. Laws can change quickly or court rulings can change the current interpretation of a law. It is important that you stay informed. If you can not find the information that you require or have any other questions please contact your local gun store, club, police, a lawyer, or the NYSRPA.

  1. Obtain an application from your local licensing agent, either the local police or county clerk.
  2. Fill in the application and obtain any required character references signatures and have your application Notarized.
  3. Be fingerprinted and submit your application.
  4. Wait while you are being investigated and your fingerprints are sent to the FBI.
  5. After your fingerprints are returned from the FBI and the investigation is completed your application is normally sent to your county's Pistol License office and then forwarded to licensing officer for review and decision. (Depending on what the county that you live in requires, you may have to take a safety class and you may have to meet with the licensing officer. Some counties also have additional requirements.)
  6. The paperwork will be returned to the Pistol License office and they will send you a letter informing you of the outcome.
  7. If approved, you will have to go to the required location to have your license validated by putting your thumbprint on the back of your license. You will also be given a slip to give to the owner of the handgun that your are transferring to your license.
  8. Using your new license you can go to the store an pick up your first handgun. Give them the Purchase Slip and they will retain the slip for their records.
  9. You are now a legal handgun owner in New York State.
  1. be a resident of the county that you apply in.
  2. be 21 years old to be issued a license.
  3. have people willing to be character references.
  4. not be barred from owning a gun under federal or state law.
  5. be able to provide a set of fingerprints.
  6. provide 3 recent passport photos.
  7. answer all questions on an application.
  8. provide honest answers to all questions. (Supplying false information constitutes sufficient reason for denial of the application. YOU MUST LIST EVERY TIME YOU HAVE BEEN ARRESTED NO MATTER WHAT THE OUTCOME OR IF THE RECORDS ARE SEALED, THIS ALSO INCLUDES SOME SERIOUS DRIVING VIOLATIONS LIKE DRIVING ON A SUSPENDED LICENSE.)
  9. pay the required fees to NYSDCJS and your local County Clerk.
  10. sign your application in front of a Notary Public who must fill in the bottom right section.
  11. have all handguns that you own listed on your license.