
When a property owner seeks to receive a variance from a zoning standard (except for density), they must submit a variance application to the Planning and Zoning Division.

Application Intake

After verifying that all the appropriate information has been provided and the required fees paid, Planning and Zoning staff will schedule the application for hearing before the Board of Zoning Appeals, and analyze the application to make a recommendation for approval or denial. Applications are to be submitted online via Sages.

Board of Zoning Appeals Hearings

Board of Zoning Appeals public hearings are conducted on the last Monday of each month at 6 p.m., in the Council chamber on the lobby level of the Marietta City Hall, located at 205 Lawrence Street, Marietta, GA 30060.

The Board of Zoning Appeals will hear the case and vote for approval or denial of the request. The board may place restrictions or conditions on the approval of a variance or grant a variance of an amount smaller than requested.

The Board of Zoning Appeals also conducts hearings on appeals of decisions of the Planning and Zoning manager and requests for special exception uses, as specified in the Marietta zoning ordinance.


The decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals is final and is not reviewed by the Marietta City Council.

General Variance Application Requirements

Applications must be submitted online via Sages.

  1. Application fee ($250 residential; $350 nonresidential)
  2. Completed notarized application
  3. Copy of the deed that reflects the current owner(s) of the property.
  4. Letter describing the reason for the variance request, stating why strict adherence to the code would result in a particular hardship.
  5. Site plan (drawn to scale) prepared by a state-registered architect, engineer, or land surveyor whose seal is affixed to the plan. Site plans must illustrate all relevant existing information and conditions in addition to proposed additions within the referenced property lines of the tract(s)
  6. Copy of current tax bill showing payment or documentation certified by the city of Marietta Tax Division.

Administrative Variance

If the variance requested is within specified parameters, the Director of Development Services may consider an administrative variance based on the nature of the petition and the information presented.

Administrative Variance Application Requirements

If an applicant meets the requirements necessary to apply for an administrative variance, the applicant will need to provided additional items and information for review, including:

  1. $100 application fee
  2. Signature of applicant on application
  3. A survey or site plan drawn to scale showing: