Area and perimeter worksheets (rectangles and squares)

Find an unlimited supply of free worksheets for practicing the area and/or perimeter of rectangles & squares for grades 3-5. The worksheets are very varied, and include:

Basic instructions for the worksheets

Each worksheet is randomly generated and thus unique. The answer key is automatically generated and is placed on the second page of the file.

You can generate the worksheets either in html or PDF format — both are easy to print. To get the PDF worksheet, simply push the button titled "Create PDF" or "Make PDF worksheet". To get the worksheet in html format, push the button "View in browser" or "Make html worksheet". This has the advantage that you can save the worksheet directly from your browser (choose File → Save) and then edit it in Word or other word processing program.

Sometimes the generated worksheet is not exactly what you want. Just try again! To get a different worksheet using the same options:

Write an expression for the area of a two-part rectangle in two ways, thinking of one rectangle or two (grades 3-5).

This is a challenging topic for 3rd grade in the Common Core Standards (3.MD.7.c) and many children probably need lots of practice with it. It is essentially an illustration of the distributive property.

(If you make an html worksheet, make sure the background colors are set to be printed in your browser's options.)

Draw a two-part rectangle to match the given number sentence for its total area (grades 3-5).

This is a challenging topic for 3rd grade in the Common Core Standards (3.MD.7.c) and many children probably need lots of practice with it. It is essentially an illustration of the distributive property.

(If you make an html worksheet, make sure the background colors are set to be printed in your browser's options.)

This worksheet formats much better as html (in your browser) than PDF.

This worksheet may or may not fit the page when it's randomly generated. For the html worksheet (in browser), refresh the page to get a new one or print it scaled / "print to fit". For the PDF worksheet, you need to just remake the worksheet until it fits nicely.

Area & Perimeter of Rectangles Worksheet Generator

IXL Math Workbook, Grade 3

Your child will love to practice math with this fun, vibrant workbook! Created by IXL, a trusted leader in math education, this workbook covers the must-know skills for third graders, from multiplication and fractions to geometry and measurement. Your child will love the vivid colors, engaging problems, and fun graphics, while you'll feel confident knowing our carefully crafted material is setting them up for success in the classroom and beyond.