How to Claim Pag-IBIG Contribution: Eligibility, Requirements, Steps

Venus Zoleta

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You’ve diligently paid your Pag-IBIG contributions throughout your career. You’re probably wondering where your contributions went and whether you’ve already contributed enough. Most importantly, you’re also probably very eager to know how to withdraw your Pag-IBIG contributions.

In this guide, learn how to withdraw money from Pag-IBIG and what you need to start the claims process.

What is Pag-IBIG Provident Benefits Claim?

The Pag-IBIG Provident Benefits Claim is a privilege granted to members who meet the eligibility requirements to withdraw their full contribution amount plus interest earned over the years. In short, this Pag-IBIG benefit is every member’s reward for contributing to the Fund.

The Pag-IBIG Provident Benefits is part of the Fund’s Savings Program, composed of member contributions made through automatic salary deduction or voluntary contribution.

“Can I claim my Pag-IBIG contributions?” Yes, employed or unemployed Pag-IBIG members who fulfilled 180 to 240 contributions can withdraw their savings in compliance with the claim's terms and conditions.

When and How to Withdraw Pag-IBIG Contribution?

If you’ve been paying your monthly contributions for years, you may be eligible to file for a Pag-IBIG Provident Benefits Claim already. Here are different ways to do it.

📌 Optional Withdrawal

Members who meet the following requirements can make an optional withdrawal of Pag-IBIG contributions:

Note: Pag-IBIG approves optional withdrawal only if you contributed continuously, without any gaps from the time of your employment. This means that even if you’ve been a member for 18 years, your claim will automatically be declined if you’ve omitted several contributions in the past.

Optional Withdrawal Requirements:

If you qualify for Optional Withdrawal of Pag-IBIG Savings, prepare the following requirements:

📌 Membership Maturity

Members can make a Pag-IBIG maturity claim after 20 years of membership. In this case, you’ll be allowed to withdraw all your contributions and earnings regardless of gaps or intervals.

A total of 240 contributions (12 months x 20 = 240 months) should be made upon membership maturity.

If you’re a Pag-IBIG Overseas Program (POP) member, you can claim your contributions at the end of five, 10, 15, or 20 years, depending on the option you choose during your membership registration.

how to withdraw Pag-IBIG contribution - 240 contributions

Membership Maturity Withdrawal Requirements:

Just like with the Optional Withdrawal, you’ll need to provide the following in making this type of claim:

📌 Retirement

When you reach the age of 65, you’ll be under compulsory retirement, which makes you eligible to claim your Pag-IBIG contributions. You may retire earlier at age 60 under the SSS/GSIS or your private employer’s retirement plan, as long as you’re at least 45 years old.

Compulsory Retirement

This is a type of retirement in which the employee’s age to retire or leave their employment is mandated by law. In the Philippines, the compulsory or mandatory retirement age is 65.

If you want to make your provident benefits claim for compulsory retirement, you need to prepare the following Pag-IBIG requirements for retirement:

Optional Retirement

This type of retirement is granted to individuals who are already 60 years old. If you've been working for several years now and don’t want to wait to reach 65 years old to retire, then availing of the optional retirement may be a good choice. Here are the documents to prepare:

📌 Permanent Total Disability or Insanity

Pag-IBIG members with physical and/or mental disability due to an illness or injury, causing the inability to work or run a business, may apply for Provident Benefits Claim. Prepare the following documents:

📌 Separation from Service due to Health Reasons

If you can no longer work because of severe health conditions, you can also make a claim for your Pag-IBIG contributions. Here are the documents you need to provide:

📌 Permanent Departure from the Philippines

Members of Pag-IBIG who wish to leave the country for good and settle abroad can withdraw their contributions prior to their departure. This is also applicable to Overseas Filipino Workers who are currently abroad and have been permitted to reside in the host country.

Prior to your application, prepare the following documents:

📌 Death

The death of a Pag-IBIG member automatically qualifies their beneficiaries for a provident benefits claim. The amount to be claimed depends on the status of the member prior to his death.

Active members at the time of death can receive a death benefit amounting to ₱6,000 regardless of the total exact value of contributions.

Inactive members at the time of death are eligible to receive their total contribution or ₱6,000, whichever is lower.

If the member applied for Total Accumulated Value offsetting before death, the benefit amount would depend on the membership status before the death. If the member is inactive before his death, the total contributions before the offsetting will be considered.

These are the requirements to be prepared by the member’s legal heirs to facilitate their claims:

Death Claim Requirements- Married with Child/Children